Our Parish life functions in collaboration with our staff and parishioners working together in order to bring organization and spirit to St. John the Baptist Parish. Our committees include the following options: ACC Parish Council/Advisory Council, Faith Formation &Liturgy, Parish Life, Social Justice & Ministry, Eucharistic Revival and Finance. For meeting dates, please view Our Parish Life Calendar.

Advisory Council

In 2020, with the establishment of our Area Catholic Community (ACC) our parish joined with the Church of Saint Joseph to form an "ACC COUNCIL". This council is responsible for the pastoral ministering to the life of our ACC through continual discussion of our mission, vision and ways to foster our community as missionary disciples in Christ. The ACC Council is made up of the members of each parish's individual Advisory Council.

St. John the Baptist's Advisory Council includes 4 Member Representatives, the Pastor, 2 Trustees and the Parish Business Manager. Our parish Advisory Council meets approximately 8 times a year, and additionally at ACC Council meetings.

Advisory Council Minutes 03 07 2024

Minutes for Joint ACC March 21 2024

Faith Formation

The Faith Formation and Liturgy Committee operate jointly to nurture and facilitate an openness to lifelong faith formation and to foster meaningful life-giving worship for our parish.

2023-24 Faith Formation Letter

For more information please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator:

Tess Koltes  p: 320.250.6728 or e: tmgkoltes8719@gmail.com

Minutes March 7 2024 FF_Lit Comm. Mtg

Minutes December 7 2023 FF_Lit Comm. Mtg


Eucharistic Revival

The Eucharistic Revival Committee was established in 2022 and encompasses members and opportunities for our Benedictine Catholic Communities of St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist parishes.  Joyce Abeln is currently the chairperson of this committee. Future meeting dates and committee minutes are listed below. For more information please feel free to contact Joyce Abeln email: joyceabeln@gmail.com phone:(320)761-2275

Eucharistic Revival meeting minutes:03 04 2024 Minutes ER Committee with Updates


Eucharistic Revival Information


For more information about the Eucharistic Revival:


Parish Life

The purpose of the Parish Life committee is to establish and promote a sense of belonging among parishioners and the provide opportunities for living out the communal dimensions of the gospel in our parish community. Activities include social, recreational events, and programs which assist in extending and enhancing Christian living and communal growth within our parish.

If you would like to assist our committee with providing hospitality as needed, please contact:

Heidi Peternell at 320.761.9469 or heidi.peternell@gmail.com

Parish Life Notes 3-7-2024
Sign-up sheets are posted on the parish center bulletin board.



Social Justice

The Social Justice and Ministry Committee keeps the parish aware of concerns for peace and social justice within and beyond the parish boundaries by providing information and promoting programs and projects which help parishioners think globally and act locally in matters which concern all Christians today.

The Social Justice and Ministry Committee of Saint John the Baptist Parish is a catalyst for parish involvement in social justice and ministry issues.

For more information please contact the chair of the Social Justice Committee:

Michael Roske  p:320.310.1835

Corrie’s presentation has now been loaded into CSBSJU’s digital repository, Digital Commons:  System Change for Climate Justice (or http://digitalcommons.csbsju.edu/environmental_studies_lectures/9).

David Borgert’s “Soup & Speaker” March 20, 2024 presentation on Affordable Housing and Social Justice

Housing affects health, education, crime levels, etc.  Learn about the problematic economics of affordable housing in central Minnesota and what is being done to provide this most basic of human needs.


2024 02 19 SJM Minutes



The Finance Council is mandated by Canon Law and reports directly to the pastor, who appoints members to the Commission.

The purpose of the Finance Council is the assist with the coordination of all financial aspects of parish life including finances, fundraising, and maintenance of the buildings and grounds.

 This council typically meets the first Thursday of the month from 6 - 7 PM. Next meeting: 2/7/24

The Chairperson of the Finance Council is: Brian Posch

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